
ESL Tutor Rank


Earn between 0 and 1,000 points to get a Bronze Rank.


Earn between 1,001 and 5,000 points to get a Silver Rank.


Earn between 5,001 and 10,000 points to get a Gold Rank.


Earn between 10,001 and 20,000 points to get a Platinum Rank.


Earn between 20,001 and 50,000 points to get a Diamond Rank.


Earn between 50,001 and 100,000 points to get a Master Rank.


Earn over 100,000 points to get a Grandmaster Rank.

Your Rank and Points

ESL Tutor uses a point system to track students’ and tutors’ usage of the  application. Depending upon what actions you perform will determine how many points you earn. These points are used to define your status and “rank” compared to all other users ESL Tutor.

Members can also buy points to pay for lessons and other courses. The points can easily be transferred to the tutors as compensation for lessons taught by them.

Members who feel a bit philanthropic can transfer points to other members as a gift.

Ranks are calculated according to the total amount of points a member has accumulated and not just the current balance.


Increase your rank and tutors will know you are serious about learning English.


Increase your rank and students will know you are serious about teaching English.

You can view your rank on your profile page. You can also view the ranks of other members by clicking on their profiles. For a list of all the members of ESL Tutor, please visit the Members page.

[su_button url=”http://esltutor.wpengine.com/profile/” style=”bubbles” background=”#F1AC1C” color=”#314057″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”5″ icon_color=”#314057″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #363636″]View your profile.[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://esltutor.wpengine.com/members/” style=”bubbles” background=”#F1AC1C” color=”#314057″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”5″ icon_color=”#314057″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #363636″]Browse all members.[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://esltutor.wpengine.com/my-points/” style=”bubbles” background=”#F1AC1C” color=”#314057″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”5″ icon_color=”#314057″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #363636″]View your points.[/su_button]
[su_button url=”http://esltutor.wpengine.com/earn-points/” style=”bubbles” background=”#F1AC1C” color=”#314057″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”5″ icon_color=”#314057″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #363636″]How to earn points.[/su_button]

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